Henzey Vanvun Heemal

  • Rs.200.00

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  • Product Code: KB-426
  • Suitable for all Kashmiri Marriage functions.
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Tags: books, book

'Henzey Vanvun' is a uniform type of song exclusively sung by Kashmiri Pandit women in kashmiri language at the time of yajnia performed specially at the time of Sanskars (rites) like Thread ceremony 'yajniopaveet and marriage etc while sitting near the yajnia mandap. Women folk likes to sing it wether they understand its meanings or not. For general public only buzzing and humming note is heard without understanding an iota of it.
Name of the book: Authored and published by Pushkar Nath Raina of Manorama Vihar, Bori Jammu.

'Henzay Vanvun' Heemal'

The author of this book titled, Henzay Wanoun Heemal' is a known figure in the literary circle even though he does not find mention in the top writers or literature of the state, yet in no way he is insignificant.
Author of two books and many articles, Sh. Raina has done a commendable job in writing a book first of its kind, on a topic which is as important as any other aspect of Kashmiri pundits. 'Henzay Wanwun 'Heemal' the title of book itself suggests two different streams of thought, one representing the festivity of singing "Wanwun" and the other representing the prehistoric yet local folklore of the valley representing the salient traits of Naga culture 'Heemal' that have stirred the heart of the author especially more intensively, when he along with thousands of his compatriots are passing days in cultural and political oblivion after their exodus from the happy vale of Kashmir. 'Henzay Wanwun 'Heemal' is a collection of religious cum folk songs that are recited more or less on a litany pattern on the happy occasion of a marriage or yagneopavit

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